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Il faut libérer l’un des plus vieux prisonniers politiques des USA : Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier est un militant amérindien (Native American) anishinaabe/lakota, né le 12 septembre 1944. A bientôt 70 ans, le symbole de la résistance indienne a déjà passé 38 ans derrière les barreaux, au terme d’un procès truqué jamais révisé. Il est membre du American Indian Movement (AIM). En juin 1975, (...)

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1 Message

  • Gratitude 18 juillet 2014 10:27, par Leonard Peltier

    Dear Friend,
    One of the things I miss most from in here, is being able to thank people. It used to be I could help someone out, fix their car or something to show thanks for something they had done for me. In here, I only have words. Words and my painting. It has been the only way I could show what I feel inside. It is the only way I am able to experience the feelings of life. I can paint and remember the songs and dancing of my people. I can smell the fires burning and the heat coming off of the dirt or I can imagine the sound of my grandchildren laughing.
    Recently, a man named Billy Nelson, who I hear is one heck of a runner, and I guess he was even an Olympian !, came to my campaign manager and asked if he could start wearing my name on his running shirts. Over the years, people have come up with all kinds of ideas to show support for my freedom, I love them all, my heart is so full of gratitude for every single one of you, you keep my hope alive.
    I thought about this idea Billy had, and I got to thinking about running. It came to me that I have not run in almost 40 years. I can walk fast out in the yard, but there is always walls and I can never see off in the distance.
    I feel like an old man now, not sure I can run if I could, anyways. I could feel what it felt like to run when I saw a picture of Billy running, and I was so proud of him, standing up and showing support for me in front of thousands. Billy is fast and brave. I wanted to thank him ; so this is what I can do from in here, until one day when I can shake his hand, and the thousands of helping hands that work to see me free.
    In the Spirit of Crazy Horse
    Mitakuye Oyasin
    Leonard Peltier
    Please help Leonard with his legal fees, his most urgent need

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